Friday, February 5, 2010

Geek Death Match

(As always pliss be to click on image for IMIN, technicolor, 3D view. Or just a larger picture)


  1. Geek1: @aplusk follows me!
    Geek2: 142 Br.itn.ey's follow me! Pwned again! 2-0.

  2. @Sudhamshu Heh! Loved that one, maybe I should do a rework of this comic with that dialogue! :D

  3. Haha! If they tied off on that, they would next check the number of lists they are on :)
    Good one Martin!

  4. @Deepak Gopalakrishnan: Dude, you have to use chuck while commenting, we are not having a death match on the longest name! :P

    @Radz Now why didn't I think of that. And if that ties too, they will check number of updates then longest time on twitter and so on....
    Thanks for the comment! :)
